Maiselova 21
110 00 Prague 1 1st Floor
Monday 9:00 – 18:00
Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 – 17:30
Friday 9:00 – 16:00
Saturday po předchozí telefonické domluvě
Sunday Closed
- Opening hours during the holidays may vary
- Other times of visits can be consulted by phone
Cash (CZK, EUR), Card payment, QR Payments, Gift vouchers
Metro A, tram and bus come to us, stops “Právnická fakulta, Staroměstská, Staroměstské náměstí”.
Hassle-free parking around the branch, for example in Pařížská Street, Maiselova, Břehová.
Majitel společnosti
Vito Visentini
Tento kontakt není určen pro zákaznické dotazy
Description of the way to us
You can find us in the house, on the first floor. We're right above The Brands store. Ring our doorbell, we'll ring you back. Walk through the lobby to the back, the house has a staircase at the end of the lobby and an elevator on your right.
Bank connection
Account number CZK: 6018946379 / 0800
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Account number EUR (€): 2162152233 / 0800
IBAN: CZ06 0800 0000 0021 6215 2233
Česká spořitelna, a.s.