
This kit contains everything you need to clean, nourish and protect your leather products. Leather is a durable luxury material that requires regular care and maintenance. With proper care, your precious leather goods will serve you well for many years.

It is extremely important to keep your skin clean, as dirt can clog its pores and cause it to dry out and crack. Regular cleaning and care will greatly extend the life of your leather products, so you can enjoy them for years to come. Leather is a natural material that ages gracefully and takes on a life of its own when properly cared for. Our leather care kit provides everything you need.

Safe for leather materials

Ready to use

Cleanses and nourishes

1x Mýdlo: Saddle soap
1x Výživa: Conditioner
1x Kartáček: Premium cleaning brush
1x Aplikátor: Sponge applicator
1x Aplikační hadřík: Cotton cloth
2x Mikrovláknové hadříky: Microfiber towel

The price when purchased individually is 1303 CZK.

How to Use

Cleaning process:
Remove any loose dirt with a dry brush.
Lightly wet the brush and tap it out. Apply a small amount of soap to the brush.
Start cleaning the skin and create foam.
Wipe continuously with a dry cloth, preferably one made of microfibre.
Repeat the steps as necessary. Air dry.

Nutrition process:
Apply the conditioner to the leather using a sponge applicator. Start with a small amount of conditioner and massage it evenly into the leather in circular motions. Also pay attention to the stitching.
Repeat the application until the entire surface area is nicely and evenly covered.
Poté, co necháte kondicionér chvíli pronikat do kůže, setřete přebytečný kondicionér čistou, suchou utěrkou z mikrovlákna nebo bavlny. Poté můžete přeleštit suchým a čistým hadříkem nebo leštícím měkkým kartáčem.
Repeat the steps of the treatment process as necessary.

Useful tips

The contents of the kit are not just for boots, but also work great on other leather items such as bags, clothing, riding saddles and other leather gear!
Use on leather only, do not use on suede or textiles.


Saddle soap
Deo Sani Spray