Vito Shoe Care buduje službu na čištění, restaurování a opravy pro všechny
- Whoever and wherever you are, and whatever problem you have.
We have been operating on the Czech market since 2016, during which time we have gained many satisfied customers who are looking for us thanks to quality services at the best prices and also excellent customer service.
We are not ordinary, in our family environment with a great atmosphere, you will not find it like in an ordinary shoe repair shop, no standard store. We pay attention to the luxury and appearance of both the work and the establishment. To make you feel your best. We do it differently!
Inovativní přístup společnosti Vito Shoe Care k čištění a opravám je dílem těch nejtalentovanějších a nejzkušenějších odborníků v České republice. Sídlíme v Praze, která je líhní talentů v oblasti obuvi a oprav. Přitahujeme ty nejlepší.
Naši zaměstnanci prošli těmi nejrespektovanějšími vzděláními, ke kterým patří Jason Markk, Baldinini i Gucci.
Our growth is driven by our zeal for the cause and our drive to win over dirt and damage.
Company foundation
Our company was founded in 2016, but was not launched until January 2017. It was founded by Vito Visentini, who gained valuable experience in cleaning and restoring shoes during his work in companies in London and Rome. The first branch was opened in one of Pilsen's barber shops.
Moving to the capital city
The year in which we started in full swing. After Pilsen, we opened a branch in Prague in a store with premium brands. Slowly we started teaching people the new service and building a quality service that no one in Prague had offered us before. We have no competition.
Extension of scope
We became known to most people in the Czech Republic thanks to quality services and perfect customer service. We have expanded our services from cleaning and restoration to high-level shoe repair. We start cooperating with the first companies and personalities.
New start and possibilities
A year that was challenging for everyone. We have opened our own new branch in Prague, which is still today. The most luxurious and highest quality dry cleaning and shoe repair in the Czech Republic. This year we also saw a huge increase in customers, concluded cooperation with Pařížská Street and other major companies.
Flourishing and patience
Although we were forced to close 2 branches in Pilsen and Hradec Králové. The Prague branch continues to grow enormously and we will soon see the store move to the Old Town of Prague, to larger premises and with better accessibility.
On a luxury street
Začátkem roku 2022 jsme přestěhovali pražskou pobočku na nejluxusnější ulici v Česku k ulici Pařížská. Toto rozhodnutí bylo rychlé a absolutně potřebné pro Vás jako zákazníky. Teto rok nám přinesl nejvíce ze všech předešlých, naučili jsme se spousty nových věcí, které nás výrazně posunou do dalšího roku. Nárůst zákazníků je o 150% vyšší než v předešlém roce.
Jsme definice kvality
V tomto roce jsme uzavřeli řadu spoluprací s předními luxusními značkami, pro které máme v Česku oficiální zastoupení, jako jsou například Loro Piana či Gianvito Rossi. Seznámili jsme se s zajímavými lidmi a navázali jsme s vámi osobnější vztahy. Účastnili jsme se rozsáhlých školení v Itálii i ve Francii, díky nimž nyní disponujeme o něco více znalostmi a dovednostmi.
Plné ruce práce
Rok 2024 ukázal, že zájem o naše služby roste tak rychle, že překračuje naše kapacity. Rozhodli jsme se proto znovu rozšířit náš tým. Bohužel se nám ani tentokrát nepodařilo najít kolegu, který by splňoval všechna naše kritéria, a tak v hledání pokračujeme. Zároveň jsme rozšířili naši dílnu a nově ji otevřeli na Vyšehradě. Naše služby jsme dále rozšířili o sekci výkupu a prodeje pre-owned luxusního zboží.
Who we are?
A luxury cleaning and repair shop, we take care of all types of shoes from sneakers to dress shoes of all materials, bags and other accessories, whether they are made of fabric, mesh, leather, suede or nubuck. Choose from our services and entrust us with the care of your matter.

What we offer?
We will provide everything you need for your shoes, bags, wallets, caps, belts and other accessories. We are capable of the almost impossible. From cleaning to repairs.
We offer a personal approach, a luxurious environment and quality processing of selected services.
What products do we use?
We use delicate products of our own production, with effective cleaning additives that do not contain any chemicals, are 98.3% natural, completely biodegradable and safe for use on all colors and materials, including leather, suede, nubuck, mesh and more. We use luxury products from France for formal footwear and we use products and paints from the USA for skin renewal.

Our goals?
Our philosophy has not changed since the company was founded. We want to offer the best prices, the best services and the best goods.
The goal of our company Vito Shoe Care is to fulfill the wishes and needs of today's sneakers and their wearers, to continue to be innovative, productive, creative and at the same time environmentally friendly.
If you take care of your shoes with us, take care of our Earth.