Obnovení Barev Obuvi
Individual price
From scuffs and scratches to color fading, leather refinishing and color restoration is the crown jewel of our service. We mix the colors to be as identical to the original color as possible. We will fix the colours with a special anti-scuff and anti-wash coating. No one does shoe color restoration better. This is honest hand brush work, we do not use any auxiliary machines in the process.
We use special paints from the USA, specialized in restoring leather and textile colors. The paints are flexible and very durable (they do not harden).
- use shoe stretchers, they keep the shoe in its original shape, protect it against deformation and colour cracking
- avoid contact with water in large quantities. Impregnate shoes
- under no circumstances wash the shoes in a washing machine or clean them improperly
- Store out of sunlight and in a dry place, preferably in the original packaging
2-4 weeks
Obnovení Barev Kabelek
Individual price
Vdechněte své každodenní tašce nový život díky obnově kůže a barev. Barvy namícháme tak, aby byly co nejvíce identické originální barvě. Barvy zafixujeme speciální vrstvou proti odření a smytí. Renovace barev kabelek nikdo nedělá lépe. Jedná se o poctivou ruční práci štětci, při procesu nepoužíváme žádné pomocné stroje.
Nejčastěji prováděné práce jsou opravy odřených rohů, spodních hran nebo ucha kabelek. Také provádíme kompletní obnovu původní barvy i změnu barvy (lakované kůže nebo semiše).
We use special paints from the USA, specialized in restoring leather and textile colors. The paints are flexible and very durable (they do not harden).
- avoid contact of the handbag with water in large quantities. Impregnate the handbag
- when not in use, pad the bag with, for example, fabric, bubble wrap or paper to keep its shape
- Store out of sunlight and in a dry place, preferably in the original packaging
3-5 weeks