Services for headwear

Classic care

We perform a complete gentle cleaning of the exterior, the cover is then disinfected. Cosmetic treatment for a better impression. Finally, we impregnate the cover.
– 399 CZK

Complete care

Komplexní program, který dostane z každé skulinky vše co jen půjde. Kombinujeme zde řady čistících metod a prostředků, abychom pro pokrývku udělali maximum. Čistíme detailně interiér i exteriér. Kompletně pokrývku dezinfikujeme ozónem a provedeme deodoraci. Strojová impregnace nanotechnologií v IMBOXu. Kosmetické úpravy pro lepší dojem. Provedeme tak úžasnou péči, že vaší pokrývce budete závidět!
– 499 CZK

Other corrections

Sewing? Dyeing? Or something else? Ask us for more services. We will be happy to help you with other things if we are able to. We love it!
– Individual

Wallet services

Cleaning wallets

We will perform a complete gentle cleaning of your wallet, exterior and interior cleaning. We disinfect and deodorise the wallets. Cosmetic treatments for a better impression including polishing of metal parts and impregnation are not to be missed.
– from 500 CZK

Other corrections

Sewing? Dyeing? Creaming & Nourishing? Or something else? Ask us for more services. We are very happy to help you with other things if we are able. We love it!
– Individual

Services for belts


Often acrylic paint, but sometimes also wax, painted along the edges of the skin dries and cracks over time. We sand down the old edges with the smallest sander you've ever seen, hand mix new paint and reapply it. It's like a fresh manicure for your belt!
– from 1000 CZK

Holes for belts

Adjust the tapes to fit you perfectly by punching new holes. Whether you want your belt to fit smaller or larger, we'll measure the original holes to ensure the newly punched holes are consistent with the style and look of your belt.
– od 199 Kč

Other corrections

Sewing? Dyeing? Shortening? Creaming & Nourishing? Or something else? Ask us for more services. We'd be happy to help you with other things if we're able. We love it!
– Individual

Don’t see what you’re looking for?

Email us and ask.