Čištění Tašek

Malé a střední
1000 Kč – exteriér
1000 Kč – interiér
1800 Kč – exteriér i interiér

Velké a zavazadla
1500 Kč – exteriér
1500 Kč – interiér
2500 Kč – exteriér i interiér

Exterior and interior

Complete external cleaning
(thorough cleaning of dirt)

Cleaning the inner layer
(pockets, textiles, etc.)

Cleaning handbag accessories

Premium deodorization
(odstranění pachů/provonění luxusními vůněmi)

Complete ozone disinfection
(removal of bacteria, viruses and fungi)

Impregnation of nanotechnologies
(protection against water and dirt)

Cosmetic treatments
(thread trimming, etc..)

Polishing of metal parts

Reinforcement for straightening the shape

To begin with, any surface dirt such as mud or dust is brushed off. Dirt and dust from the interior spaces and pockets are removed with a special vacuum cleaner.

We will find a small and subtle area to test cleaning methods to ensure that the technique used will not damage the bag. We will assess the materials your bag is made of and decide which can be cleaned using wet methods and which will require dry methods. For bags with different colours and materials, each area is cleaned and dried independently to prevent the colours from dissolving.

Recessed spots? We are always developing new techniques, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to remove all stains from your bags.

Satin bags? For some delicate materials, we must prioritise fabric protection over removing all stains. For example, excessive rubbing or heavy cleaning can cause the satin to weaken and fray.

Suede bags? The texture of suede bags may change when cleaned and the colour may run.

Worn leather? Sometimes the skin looks like it is dirty, but it is actually damaged. In these circumstances, we recommend creaming or color restoration.

2-4 týdny. Dřívější dodání lze charged.